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Our History

The Kingdom Recovery Center came into being through the efforts of DART (Drug Abuse Resistance Team), a group of community members committed to improving the recovery services in St. Johnsbury.

The Kingdom Recovery Center came into being through the efforts of DART (Drug Abuse Resistance Team), a group of community members committed to improving the recovery services in St. Johnsbury. DART had been working with Bess O’Brien, Kingdom County Productions, as she created the film Here Today about heroin use in the Northeast Kingdom, which was screened throughout the state of Vermont. DART next worked with Northeast Kingdom Community Action to open Aerie House, Transitional Housing for Women in Recovery.


In 2003, members of DART learned about possible state funding for a new initiative that would involve opening peer-based community recovery centers throughout Vermont's different districts. A planning committee was formed, and the members visited the Upper Valley Turning Point, the first of the pilot programs. Everyone was so impressed that they began meeting one afternoon a week to figure out the best place in St. Johnsbury for a recovery center.


The weekly meeting was held at Tri-County Substance Abuse Services, which happened to be located in the Birthplace and Childhood Home of Dr. Bob, the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. It was serendipitous that Tri-County was happy to give the planning committee permission to open a recovery center in the rear of the building, thinking that their counselors could bring clients over to the center to learn about the resources and support that would be offered there.


One year later, the Kingdom Recovery Center received state funding and opened in September 2004.


Two women in recovery took on the position of Co-coordinators/Director in the best venue possible…The Birthplace and Childhood Home of Dr. Bob.

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